A Peaceful Piggy’s Guide to Sickness and Death

$19.95 Hardcover, 32 pages
$12.99 Kindle, 32 pages

Peaceful Piggy Sickness and Death, Sadness and Love is a story of hope. Children will no longer feel completely powerless when they’re able to help by sending feelings of peace, calm and loving-kindness to their loved ones. Children feel more in control when they have ways to self-settle and self-soothe their inner turmoil. They feel inspired when they learn they can reach out to their loved one through their living heart connection. They discover the magical truth that their loved one is really only a heartbeat away.

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A Peaceful Piggy’s Guide to Sickness and Death Editorial Reviews

“A Peaceful Piggy’s Guide to Sickness and Death, Sadness and Love (Wisdom), to her grandchildren, who have spent all their lives, she writes, living with sick family members. What can children do when someone they love gets sick? How can the anxious, sad, or confused child connect with their feelings and bodies amidst such difficulty? Peaceful Piggy offers a model of calm presence and gentle exercises, such as walking with great attention on the bottoms of the feet, lying on the ground like a starfish, and making a simple flower arrangement or a “mind jar.” With each exercise as beneficial for grown-ups as for their children, this book is a beautiful tool for directly experiencing and talking about sickness, death, and dying—not morbid or forbidden topics, but part of life itself.”
Lion’s Roar

“Every parent, teacher, therapist, and guardian should have this book on hand. At some point, all children will have a loved one who is sick or dying or has passed on. How I wish my mother had this book when my grandmother—who lived with us—and then my father both died before I was ten years old. Reading this gentle but powerful book took me back to that painful time as I imagined that I was the child to whom the author was speaking. A deep calm overcame me as I tried each of her mindfulness practices. My hope is that you’ll get this book now so you’ll be ready to help a young one when the time comes.”
—Toni Bernhard, author of How to Be Sick

“Kerry’s Peaceful Piggy skillfully offers a way for children to process illness and death, topics that continue to be so often unspeakable, and yet so present in our lives. A beautiful and timely book that will be a most enriching addition to my therapy practice and my family.”
—Sara Marlowe, therapist and author of No Ordinary Apple and My New Best Friend

“The loving voice of a grandmother’s wisdom emanates from the practical guidance and loving comfort provided on each page. MacLean’s latest is a must-have for every parent’s bookshelf and local library.”
—Sumi Loundon Kim, author of Sitting Together: A Family-Centered Curriculum on Mindfulness, Meditation, and Buddhist Teachings